Plain Language: Simplifying Communication

Plain Language: Simplifying Communication

Each audience requires a different style of messaging. Here’s how we went about a recent project for one of our clients.

Understanding Who We’re Talking To
A government client wanted to teach its community about internet safety. They needed a website, digital ads, and social media content to discuss common problems and how to avoid them.

Using Plain Language to Connect
In advertising, we often use detailed language. However, in this case, Plain Language with clear and direct communication was the right option. It’s about speaking in a way that quickly gets to the point and prevents confusion, a government requirement under the Plain Writing Act of 2010.

The Result: Helpful Information Is Shared and Heard
A wide range of people can understand the campaign, avoid details that aren’t needed and can make an impact by sharing important information with those who are looking for it. Russell Herder prioritizes Plain Language certifications to deliver the same results for other clients.

Plain Language Guidelines
If you’re new to this style of writing, start by following the 10 Principles for Plain Language1:

  1. Write for the reader.
  2. Start with key points.
  3. Keep paragraphs brief.
  4. Use active voice.
  5. Use short sentences.
  6. Use everyday language.
  7. Remove unnecessary words.
  8. Keep subject and verb close together.
  9. Use headings, lists, and tables for clarity.
  10. Proofread.

Learn Plain Language
Using plain language helps the audience understand the message the first time they read it. If you want to learn more about it, add these guidelines to your writing process. It’s a simple way to check that the points you need to share come across clearly and directly.

1National Archives, Top 10 Principles for Plain Language

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