Russell Herder recently welcomed Ellie Krug, the transgender advocate, author and lawyer to our offices. She discussed the concept of Gray Area Thinking™, a tool for interacting with others in a mindful and compassionate way. As Ellie shared her personal story with us, it quickly became clear that Ellie is a sought-after speaker for good reason. Her presentation was not only engaging, it lead to a group activity exploring the natural biases and fears inherent in the human experience, as well as our individual strengths and liabilities. Overall, it was a profoundly moving experience for the entire team, leaving us all with a greater appreciation for the remarkable people we encounter each day, both in the office and the world at large. If you’re looking for a presentation that’s compelling, funny and entirely indelible, we couldn’t recommend Ellie Krug more highly.
To learn more about Ellie or her program visit her website at: