Grow Your Bottom Line With These Three Brand Storytelling Strategies

Get the results you’re looking for (on any medium) with these expert tips.

Content marketers and ad agencies often talk about the power of storytelling, making it out to be the secret ingredient for building a relationship with your intended audience. While this certainly can be true, not everyone gets it right. Ads that use frequency over quality or exclude large sectors of their potential audience are common, and often memorable for the wrong reasons.

Effective storytelling is similar to a jigsaw puzzle — it requires looking at the big picture first, and strategically piecing the rest together for the greatest impact. If you’re ready to construct a compelling narrative that directly supports your bottom line, consider these three fundamental rules of successful brand storytelling:

1. Maintain a clear goal by putting your target audience first.

Taking the stance of a prospective customer and understanding their values is the first step when telling your story. Considering every detail, from average age, to how they spend their time and what they prioritize, to what challenges they might be facing is the key to speaking their language and keeping their attention.

Ask yourself questions they would likely have: “Why should I care?”, “How does this benefit my life?”, and “Why do I need to take action now as opposed to later?” The answers will allow you to identify the aspects of your story that will resonate with your existing audience, and the prospective customers you’re looking for. By capturing the attention of those who want to use your services, you’re directly accessing the capital your business needs.

This example of effective ad storytelling from Microsoft aired during the 2024 Superbowl and successfully pulls viewers in by showing a diverse group of people who would likely fall within their target audience. By portraying real individuals with real challenges and then introducing Microsoft’s new technology to help them find solutions, prospective customers are able to place themselves in the story rather than just watching one.

2. Build trust by establishing yourself as a subject matter expert.

By sharing your story, you’re already taking a step in the right direction to connect with your audience. To build that relationship further, convey authenticity with statements from real employees, satisfied customers, and by being as friendly and relatable as possible.

Sharing your origin story and the intentions behind your organization can quickly align you with the recipient of your message. For instance, you could make it clear that this product, program, or service exists because the people who founded it wanted a solution for the same need your viewer has. With this foundation, you would add helpful information about your industry and offerings as it relates to your viewer to show that you’re a leader in the field and the obvious choice for the need. By combining insights and robust offerings, you can elevate your profile, rise above competitors, and strengthen your business.

An example of this can be seen in Volkswagen’s ad, titled “An American Love Story.” This also aired during the Superbowl and was among the most well-received, according to the USA Today Ad Meter. Their approach follows an abbreviated history of the company, beginning in New York in 1949, showing iconic moments in pop culture and with people in relation to the cars. The commercial traces the trajectory of the cars’ evolution up to present day, conveying that the brand has a positive track record and can be trusted. This strategy entices a purchase from those who are in the market for a new vehicle since Volkswagen comes across as an industry leader.

3. Share your story sooner than later.

Kicking off your business or a new offering isn’t the only time your organization’s values and persona needs to shine. While your industry and market will, it’s almost always the right time to share or build on your narrative.

In a time of constant change and fast-paced advancements in technology, communicating with your audience consistently and coming across with a reliable presence is one of the best ways to show that you’re available to meet their needs and improve quality of life — rain or shine. Beginning to share your narrative, or adding more emphasis to your existing story is a strong tactic for bringing excitement and energy into something that people already may be familiar with.

A great example of this can be seen through Starbucks’ new ad, Connecting Over the Counter: Barista and Customer Stories. Starbucks is a large corporation that’s become a household name and a staple in American culture, but the importance of brand storytelling remains a top priority. By sharing new sides of the business from an intimate, behind-the-scenes angle, this commercial pairs the idea of getting Starbucks with positive human interactions and relationship building. Their audience is invited to think of their Starbucks run as more than a transaction, and encouraged to become a “regular.”

Now is the time to tell your story, and Russell Herder is here to help you do it well. With so many important pieces of your story to choose from, we’ll identify the most compelling narrative through focus areas that speak directly to your target viewers. Ready to move your business ahead by building brand awareness and your bottom line? We’d love to hear from you.

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